Sunday, March 18, 2007

Addy complains...

Last night I had a dream that dream job offered the job to someone else, but I was there and trying to find out where I went wrong. How depressing. I'm not really holding out a lot of hope there, but it will still be a bummer if I get a ding letter.

I am feeling the end-of-spring-break panic this morning. I need to do laundry (in progress), exercise, plan lecture, review a lab (I had to revise it, because a website I usually use is DOWN!), work on writing an exam, THEN drive to further-away airport (75-minutes) in less Major City to pick up a job candidate. Why? Because nobody else volunteered and I was asked. H is coming in on a flight at the same time, but he already had a ride home, so I wouldn't have had to drive up there. I really think I do more airport runs than anyone else in the department- and our closer airport is about an hour away. I wouldn't mind as much if today wasn't so hectic already. God damn it, I should have just made something up and said I couldn't do it. I'm not even on the search committee... Crap- only about 6 hours until I need to leave. I better get busy...

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