Friday, April 07, 2006

Another unproductive day

I can't feel good about my lack of progress this week. I only have four work days next week (since D's spring break starts on Good Friday- even though it's a public school!). Then we're off to visit Grandma. If I don't get something accomplished next week, I will feel like a real loser! Today went just as a I knew it would- I spent all of my time catching up with colleagues (which is FUN, but not productive), revising a letter of rec, briefly meeting my advisee, going to lunch, sitting through a boring faculty meeting, then picking up D from school. We came home and made these cookies- it's the 4th or 5th time I've made them and they are really good!

I'm feeling so frustrated, because the paper is partly written already! However, it's work I did last summer, so it will take some effort to get back into it and be able to finish writing. I'm feeling scattered and disorganized from traveling and working on other things for conferences. I'm not trying to make excuses, but rather to see if I can understand why I am at this road block and hopefully remove it (or leap over it, anyway!) My plan to get up early today was thwarted by thunderstorms- I wasn't about to go fire up my computer with all the lightning we were having! By the time it settled down, it was too late to do much of anything before it was time to get ready. Now it's evening again and I know it's feeble to try and work now. I'll try my early plan again tomorrow and see if that works out... I'll also try to give myself more specific goals for each day and try to accomplish them. Wish me luck! I think I will go eat another cookie... sigh

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