Friday, February 19, 2010


Remember this? Well, today I heard a rumor that there are some "second thoughts" about the other person who is now in this job. I would be happier to hear this if it didn't affect our department and students, but part of me feels like saying "I told you so". I hope they don't ask me to do it, because I'll be saying NO.


Twice said...

Yes, say no! Let them figure out how to get out of it themselves.

Professor Kate said...

At a school I worked at prior, which shall remain nameless, thye had similar issues. You could actually divide the faculty in half - the DH's people and the "liked" professors. The liked professors won teaching awards, secured their own grants, and worked to publish their own research. DH's people never got awards (no one liked them), but always seemed to have free grant money thrown at them and enough connections to get published with little fuss. How sad and pathetic.

It seems as if academic politics are the same no matter where you go. I hope you do stick to your guns and tell them no - you need to concentrate on your research.

Seeking Solace said...

More like "Hell to the NO!"

Therapeutic Ramblings said...

Academia is just another Sand Box for kids to play/fight in. Some faculty members find their way through despite their short-comings, but hopefully the best eventually find their way towards the top.