Last Friday, I went on a walking field trip with D's class (and the other 2nd grade classes). It was hot and humid, but still fun. I posted a couple other pictures here.

Her last day of school is Thursday and we're leaving that afternoon for Cheap-Airport-City-in -Neighboring-State to spend the night before our morning flight on Friday to Blazing-Hot-Desert-City. We'll only be gone a few days, but it will be a fun family reunion.
In other news (or non-news), it's looking more and more like we are not going to H's Home Country this summer, because we are STILL waiting for his naturalization ceremony notice to arrive. While it's entirely possible that they just haven't sent it yet, I am also a tad bit concerned that it was lost in the mail. It's been four weeks since he passed the test, so I thought we would have heard something by now...
One last thing- luckybuzz is apparently in labor!! I'm very excited for her and hope that things go smoothly and quickly!!
yeah, I'm sending all good vibes to luckybuzz. early water breakage plus pitocin is how both my labors went and I'll tell you, it's not that much fun.
Hi Anastasia: Yes- my water broke at 37 weeks, 1 day and I was also induced. She had never even dropped. It took 19 hours, including 2+ hours pushing and forceps before she came out! I hope LB is better than off than me!
My naturalization ceremony notice took awhile to arrive (about 6 week, I think), so there is probably no reason to be concerned. It's just sitting on someone's desk.
sorry you will have to alter your trip...that is a pain.
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