Saturday, April 12, 2008


The "main event" happened yesterday afternoon, but I don't think I should blog about the gory details. I'll just say that I never imagined that it would feel like labor, but it did. I actually think it was MORE painful that labor, but of course I haven't been in labor since 1999 so my memory of it may be a bit hazy. I'm just hoping that everything resolved itself and I won't have to have additional "intervention". I had a nice afternoon with H before all of the pain started- we went for lunch, returned my lame-ass new phone, wandered through our new IKEA, and things only got bad at our last stop.

I'm not going to Big Giant Conference next week- I have a grad student who will give the talk for me (I need to go work on that, actually). I finished what I needed to for that student I'm advising and posted it on an XDrive so that she could get the file and finish it. I'll meet with her Monday to talk more about it. It will be a quiet week around my department because most people will be at Big Giant Conference. I had planned to cancel my freshman class on Wednesday, because I was supposed to be gone and I am still going to do that anyway!

H and I are handling everything OK. It's been stressful and yesterday was really hard for him when I was in so much pain, but we're just spending lots of time together at home. Thanks again for all of the nice comments- I really appreciate it. We just need to recover and think about what we want to do next. I'll just be glad when this semester is over...


hgg said...

Oh dear, I had a similar gory thing, some complications included, going on eight years ago. Not cool. I think I prefer some doctor fixing it for me while I sleep through it if it ever happens again...

Take care of yourself, and with the danger of sounding insensitive (which I'm not); it's tough for a while but life goes on. It happened to me twice in three months but I managed to reproduce in the end :-).

Addy N. said...

Thanks, hypoglycemiagirl- I'm sorry you had to go through that too. And more than once- how awful. I guess it's a little easier on us since we already have a daughter- I think it would be even worse if you were trying for your first child and had this happen. No complications so far, so I'm hoping that my body is just doing its job!

Anonymous said...

Glad you're handling things, and I'm hoping the worst is over. Sending hugs.

ScienceWoman said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. I just want to say that I am so proud of you for sharing your story with us. So many women lose babies and yet we don't realize it because no one ever says anything. Hugs.

Addy N. said...

Sciencewoman: I know what you mean! I wonder why it's such a secret topic. Do women feel like they've failed and would rather not share? Is it just too painful? We (OK, I) chose to tell people pretty early on, so a lot of people already knew that I was pregnant. I really find it easier to deal with, because at least people know what is going on. If nobody knew and we were trying to keep it a secret, I would have to go to work and pretend that everything is fine. We both stayed home yesterday and the department even sent us dinner on Thursday night. They're so nice.

Anonymous said...

oh addy, i'm so sorry... i am glad you and H can be together now and not worry too much about work. take care...

BrightStar (B*) said...

I only just caught up on what has been going on... I am so so so sorry to hear this. My sister has had multiple miscarriages over the past couple of years, and I know how hard it has been on her. (She wants her first child so much!) I do think it's important to share your experience. I hope you're taking as good care of yourself as you can.