Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Wednesday is half over already!

It's the first Wednesday of the month at noon and the city is testing our emergency sirens. I'm rarely home at this time, so I was startled at first- we live VERY close to the one of the sirens. It's a bit late to post my to-do list, so I'll just update you on my work progress. I am going back to reading some articles before I try to write more of my paper. This is for two reasons: I need some more articles for my background section and I also need to get ideas of how to organize my methods and results (it's getting a bit convoluted). This afternoon (which will be short, since D is out at 2:30 today), I want to at least skim through the articles I downloaded yesterday.

(btw- has anyone else gotten lazy about this? I almost NEVER go to the library any more unless I need a book. Most of my references are from science journals, which are usually available in digital form. Even when we don't have them through the library site, I can often find pdf files through Google Scholar- I love their subheading "stand on the shoulders of giants")

But, I digress...

I never cleaned off my desk yesterday, so maybe I'll do that when D comes home. I also need to think of something to get my mom for Mother's Day (Mom- if you are reading this, feel free to make suggestions!). If anyone has ideas, feel free to comment OR if you want to share what you are getting for your mom or hope to get yourself, if you are a mom, please do! I better get busy- only about 2.5 hours until school's out!

Oh yeah- I walked 4.05 miles today! (If you wonder how I put such precise distances, when I walk outside, I got one of these last year for Mother's Day- it's awesome!)


Deb said...

Wow, that Forerunner thing looks really cool. The price, though: yikes!

What I want for Mother's Day: it's pretty cliche, but I really, really want a nice pedicure!

Addy N. said...

Deb: can you believe I've NEVER had a pedicure? Well- if you saw my feet, you may not be surprised! Yeah- I guess the forerunner is a bit steep, but we're definitely a techno-geek family. I'm sitting in front of my dual flat panel monitors as I type this! We also have a GPS we use in the car to nagivate on trips (not an in-built one- we take it in rental cars, too!) So, my husband was right on, when he picked that wrist-GPS for me!