Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Warning: Bitching Ahead...

I have some actual topics I want to blog about but this post will probably just be a rant- about a couple of things.  

First, some people at work are really driving me crazy. We have recently made some administrative changes and will soon be hiring a new chair. We are also scheduling Fall classes- and it seems that the committee I serve on should be helping with this. The chair of my committee disagrees, so just shut down all the discussion we'd been having by email. This person pisses me off for several unbloggable reasons (although I'd love to explain what a horrible person he is), so this made it extra annoying. 

Secondly, D was yelled at by a teacher last week (who thought she was 'smirking') and made her CRY. I wanted to intervene, but respected D's wishes to stay out of it. Today, she was still very upset and revealed that she's been having stomach aches (how she responds to stress), so I wrote an email to the school. We'll see what happens. 

Also, my sweet, lovey dovey cat of almost 18.5 years seems to really be on her last legs now. She's had signs of kidney failure over the last couple of years, but has now lost a lot of weight and is not seeming to be doing too well. I'm hoping to let her live out her time here at home and just go naturally- rather than have the vet put her down. She still talks to us a lot, is eating some, and purrs and purrs like crazy when we pet her or sit with her. She doesn't seem to be in pain, but I know her days are numbered. It's breaking my heart because I've spent so many years with her in my life (since January 1994!)

And, we owe about $2000 in taxes. Ugh!! I guess all that summer salary really messed us up. We have since adjusted our W4s, but the damage for 2011 is done. Things are a bit tight right now, but will improve this summer when my students loans are paid off, our car is paid off, and we get some summer salary.

All of these things are really adding to my stress level. I've been sticking with exercising five days a week, but today just did a short walk on the treadmill because I felt so lethargic. Oh- and I had a migraine on Saturday. Arrrggghhh!!


TiredProf said...

There must be something in the water supply right now. Everyone (myself included) is stressed out. Hang in there!

Addy N. said...

Aw, thanks! At least we're suppose to actually have SNOW tonight (< 1 inch)...

Seeking Solace said...

Aw, hugs. And, cheers for working out. It actually helps with stress.

Super Babe said...

I feel for you with the taxes, same here. I thought last year we owed so much because of a consulting job I had, but it's the same this year again... so I'm starting to suspect our W4s have to be adjusted soon... you know, once I stop drowning in work! ARGGHHH.

Arbitrista said...

Sucks about the taxes, and sympathies for D. But most of all I hope for a improbably complete recovery for your kitty.