Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Happy Belated Blog-o-versary to Me!

OK- now things are getting pretty pathetic if I missed my own 4th blog-o-versary! Of course, I haven't been writing over here that much lately, so I hardly feel like like I've accomplished something with this milestone. However, I am not willing to give up on this space. Even if my posts are rarer these days, I don't feel like I want to abandon this blog. I actually have ideas for posts swimming around in my head some days, but then don't have the motivation or time to actually write those posts. As much as I love Facebook, I still like having this pseudonymous space to write, too. There are plenty of things going on at work that I want to post about (some of which are escaping me right now!) and I could never write about them on FB in the same way.

Maybe my lack of writing here is also linked to my lack of writing in general. I have not been very productive in my research lately, despite being in the last year of my first Big Grant. I am thrilled with RA this year and have high hopes for making some good progress during our last year of funding, but I have been so swamped with teaching that I haven't done much work myself. I'm starting to wonder how I managed to get tenure, because my teaching load is the same as it was during the 2004/2005 through 2006/2007 academic years. I was getting research done, writing papers, writing proposals AND teaching my full load. Now, I can't seem to do much more than just teach and do grading and class prep. So, maybe that's part of it. I have not been reading blogs much lately, either, though. And that's even more sad, since I am not as connected with many of you. However, I am friends with lots of you on FB now, so I am in touch in that way at least.

So, here I sit, four years after starting this blog. I am sitting at the same desk, but typing on my MacBook instead of my desktop PC (which I still have!) I'd like to get back into the groove of writing for research, and maybe writing over here is a good start. You've all heard that one before, right?


Seeking Solace said...

Happy Blog-o-versary!!!!! It's weird because lately I blog more and spend lest time on FB. :)

comebacknikki said...

Happy Blog-o-versary! I'm glad you're still around! :)

Dr. Brazen Hussy said...

I think I've missed most of my blogiversaries. Glad you're still here!!

Addy N. said...

Thanks! I *really* keep meaning to get back to it, so we'll see if I can do it this time! :)

Arbitrista said...

Wow 4 years? Time flies. Congrats.

Super Babe said...

4 years?! Congratulations!!! I think I started mine slightly before then. I remember one of my blogs being about my doctoral defense, which was over 4 years ago... but it's been less than 4 on blogger (mine used to be on Windows Live at first)... That said, now I feel I have to go blog about something!!!

ScienceGirl said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Karina said...

Happy Blogoversary! Keep it up- I like reading it! I don't think I have a blogoversay. I guess I do but I don't know when it is.