Sunday, June 11, 2006

I'm clearly allergic to Oregon :(

No- I haven't been crying. It's all pollen, baby...

More pictures later- It's really gorgeous here:I didn't know any part of I-5 looked like this!


Addy N. said...

Tabitha: Sorry to hear you also suffer from allergies. I don't usually have trouble with my eyes, but the week before our trip they were bothering me at home, too. I have a friend who used to live here and I remember her telling me about seeing people at the store wearing pollen masks- I can see why! I stocked up on eye drops and nasalcrom at the local Food4Less (on top of my Rx meds), so I think I should be OK, now.

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

We were in Oregon for a couple of weeks in March for debate nationals... in between times we went to the Oregon coast... try to get there if you can. It is probably the most amazing place I've been -- and I've been around a bit.

This time of year it may be crowded -- but if you can even get over there for a day trip you can explore the little parks they have all along the coast.