It must be getting late in the semester, because this seems to be the time that I think about blogging (and even when I started this blog). We only have a few weeks left and I'll be grading a virtual mountain of papers before it's over, but I already have the end in sight! Next week will be a nice break with Thanksgiving (only two class days) and then just two more weeks- and two of my classes will be doing presentations the whole time. This semester has really worn me out. I don't remember it being this bad when I last taught my full 3-course load in Fall 2006. Maybe I'm just getting old?
I finished a set of grading today that felt like it had been weighing on me for a while, but it's really only been a week. That means I am almost caught up- and won't get much more grading until the last week (when it will get REALLY ugly).
I guess I don't have anything too exciting to say. Just wanted to check in...